The Call to Adventure on Substack

Greetings dear readers! I am moving my newest writings to Substack. It is called The Call to Adventure, based in part on the Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell. My Substack is all about becoming the hero of your own story and forging a bright path towards the life of your dreams. Similar to the…

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A Little Nudge Out of the Door

Every would-be adventurer can use a little help sometimes. And a good coach can be an excellent resource for helping you to get out of your comfort zone and onto the path towards the (new) life you envision. In one of the opening scenes to the movie The Lord of the Rings, Frodo Baggins meets…

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Will It Matter in Five Years?

In computer programming, WYSIWYG (pronounced “wiz-ee-wig”) is an acronym for “what you see is what you get.” A WYSIWYG editor or program allows a developer to see what the end result will look like while it is being created. Acronyms and mnemonic devices are great techniques to help remember and recall information. Mantras are also…

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Stop Stopping

Consistency is everything. This will not come as a shock to most people, but it is amazing how often we forget this simple principle. Passion, intensity, focus, and innovative ideas are important ingredients for achievement. They are all supporting characters in the success formula, but it is the smaller, habitual actions and routines that take…

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10 Quotes to Guide Your New Year

I love the starting of a new year. It is a time of renewal and gratitude, a time to reflect on the previous year and make decisions for the future. It feels like a fresh slate waiting for me to write on it whatever I want. To usher in the new year, I thought I’d…

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