Always Bet On Yourself

One of the hardest things we will ever come to grips with is our own innate greatness. What we see when we look in the mirror often seems so average, so normal—because for us, it is. It is hard for us to see something special. I’ll use myself as an example. When people compliment me…

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What If The Opposite Was True?

We live in a orderly and balanced world governed by opposites. Light and dark. Hot and cold. Birth and death. Positive and negative. Everything has its opposite and harmony is maintained. Well, what if our thoughts, wishes, and desires were the same way? What if every thought, positive or negative, came attached with an opposite…

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How Would Others Describe You?

This past weekend me, Jill, and the kids helped move my brother-in-law’s family into a rental house, while they are renovating their new home. Between family, neighbors, and friends, more than 20 people showed up to help out. Immediately it was obvious who was there to help move, who was there to socialize, and who…

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