Invest In Yourself

There are lots of ways we invest in things. We invest our money in stocks, in real estate, and in goods. We invest our emotional capital in other people and in relationships. We invest our time in our community, in our schools, in our education, and in our social activities. But we often fail to…

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Fortune Friday: “You are always welcome in a gathering.”

One of my favorite movie quotes is from Kevin Smith’s Clerks. Randal: “I’m not going to miss what is probably going to be the social event of the season.” Dante: “You hate people!” Randal: “But I love gatherings. Isn’t it ironic.” A gathering is much different than a party or a seminar or an event…

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Speak In Your Own Voice

When my son Landon was really young, he would sometimes speak in a strange little elf-like voice. He usually did this when he was in a situation where he was, as least by my interpretation, uncomfortable or embarrassed or less than confident. Almost like a mask he was hiding behind to shield him from discomfort….

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Is Your Mind Great or Small?

One of my favorite quotes of all time is by Eleanor Roosevelt. She said, “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” So, which of the three do you spend most of your time talking about?

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