Fortune Friday: “Everything will now come your way.”

People often spend a lot of time dividing their mental energy between two less than useful states. They’re either reminiscing about or regretting the past, or they’re anticipating or dreading the future. Somewhat pointless activities for the most part. The past is past. Gone to the ether, never to be repeated, relived, or corrected. Just…

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Solving Puzzles With Puzzles

I had a wonderful creative breakthrough yesterday. You see, for several weeks now I have been stuck trying to find a solution to a plot line problem in one of my book projects. It has seriously been bugging me. So much so that I haven’t worked on it in a while. Also, because it feels…

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Let Go of Your Story

Each one of us has a story about who we are and the role we play in our world. It is a story that we a familiar with. We have it memorized. We can recall it in an instant. And we share it with everybody. But more important, it is the story we tell ourselves…

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Fortune Friday: “Life is a daring adventure.”

Here is a disclaimer before I continue: This is not my fortune from this week’s lunch. It actually belongs to a loud, twenty-something girl sitting in the booth full of women office workers next to me. I found it so funny I had to comment on it. I will write about my actual fortune next…

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