Fortune Friday: “Nothing is so much to be feared as fear.”

Ask anyone what is stopping them from pursuing the life of their dreams, or changing careers mid-life, or following a less-conventional path, and they will probably answer ‘fear.’ Fear has killed more brilliant novels, beautiful paintings, life-altering technologies, and fairytale romances, than war has killed people. Okay, maybe not quite that many, but fear has…

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Play Small To Win Big

If you listen long enough to the success gurus out there, you’ll hear things like “you’re not playing big enough” or “you’re thinking too small!” And a lot of the time they are right. Small mindedness and inaction are Wonder Twin powers of dream killing. But sometimes in our effort to “take the world by…

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Spread Your Wings And Fly

Today I’d like to share one of my favorite stories. It really speaks to how I have been feeling inside lately, and always motivates me to expand my vision and horizons—to remember who I am and to always dream bigger. Here goes. One day a naturalist was driving past a farm when he noticed a…

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