Don’t Buy Time, Spend Your Life

I heard two people discussing whether the correct phrase was “biding time” or “buying time”. Turns out they’re both correct. Biding time is more akin to waiting patiently. Buying time is when you are actively trying to extend the outcome of something. As a race, we tend to do a lot of both. Either we…

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Hunter or Gatherer?

Are you a hunter or a gatherer? Is one better or worse than the other? And how does this apply to modern life? After all, we’re not cavemen anymore, right? Let’s start with a brief overview of each. Hunter A hunter hunts. She pursues, she stalks. A hunter follows the prey—they go where the food…

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Fortune Friday: My 100th Post!

Today marks a milestone on this blog. Yes, I’ve written my 100th post today. Hooray for me! Instead of a regular fortune interpretation today, I am going to do a little celebratory reflection. A year ago I decided to start this blog. I had wanted to write a blog for years but I never felt…

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Success Through Epic Failure

Epic failure, or harnessing the power of The Epic Fail, as my friend Marc terms it, might just be your surest and quickest path to success. So what exactly is The Epic Fail? In a nutshell it is failing at failure. Say what? You see, years ago my friend Marc had a goal of being…

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