Make Time For Quiet

I don’t know about you, but as a creative professional I need a certain amount of time alone. Personal time. Quiet time. Time to think, reflect, ponder, and dream. Time to recharge. My best creative ideas come from this space. Too often we spend our days in overdrive, constantly shaking and re-shaking the snow globe…

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Stop And Smell The Pine Trees

Busy, busy, busy. Seems everyone nowadays is busier than ever. Constantly running around, shuttling kids here and there, tweeting this, posting that. A distracted life that, if we’re not careful, can end up resembling what Shakespeare penned, “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” I was almost that selfsame…

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Managing Expectations

One of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself as a working professional is learning how to manage client expectations. Because few things cause as much grief, heartache, and lost productivity to your workday as a disappointed client on the rampage. Disappointment can be defined as expectations unfulfilled. The client thinks it is one…

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