Don’t Write What You Know About

“Write what you know.” Aspiring writers have received this sage advice for decades. And it is truly great advice. But what exactly does it mean? Most people confuse writing what they know with writing what they know about. There is a big difference. It is the difference between your knowledge of automotive engine repair and…

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Discovering Your Purpose is a Waste of Time

Seems everywhere you read these days, people are talking about purpose and passion. Why you need to find it, where to look for it, how to recognize it, when to follow it. It is all a bunch of bunk. Yes, you read that right. So let me say it again so we’re clear: Discovering your…

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Should You Self Publish?

Be forewarned, I may use the word “may” a lot in this post. Maybe. I say that because the thoughts I share here will address the broader public, and not the exceptional outlier who defies the norm. That said, here are the benefits of self publishing as I see it. Note: Feel free to disagree,…

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