Stop Saying You Don’t Have Enough Time

Whenever I ask someone what is stopping them from doing or going after something that is important to them — pursuing a big dream, starting a new business, writing a book, getting fit, traveling abroad — I usually get the same response: “I don’t have enough time.” This is often followed by the second most…

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Master the Art of Living

Being pressed for time, but not wanting to miss posting, I thought I’d share one of my favorite quotes (and a custom-designed meme to match) from author James A. Michener, who eloquently said: The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his…

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Trust Your Creative Longings

It seems to be common in human nature to doubt or second guess our creative impulses. You know what I’m talking about. Think back, how many times have you had the spark of a creative idea flash into your mind? Now, how quickly afterward did you dismiss the idea as foolish or stupid or self-serving?…

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One Month Sabbatical 2015

Regular readers of my blog know that I typically take off a month or so every year to regroup, refocus, and recharge. This year is no different. One habit I’ve established in writing this blog is I keep a running list of potential article topics — usually in the notes app on my smartphone. Just…

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Good Will Come From That

Recently, I made a proposal to my employer for a new program that could potentially reap huge rewards long term. I was very excited. I did a ton of research, consulted with industry experts, assembled the appropriate documentation, crafted a solid pitch, and set the meeting. I told a lot of people about my plan….

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